· This screen allows a scout to either enter a game report or read a game report.
· To enter a game report, you first need to add a game to your schedule.
· We try to encourage scouts to only create the report the day of or any day after the game has happened. We may have entered in last-minute information regarding the game or rosters.
1. Open the scouting program
2. From the menu on the left click on Game Reports
3. Click on the Enter/Read Reports option
· When you first enter the screen, you will have a list of game reports from the start of the season to when you opened the screen.
· You have filters along the bottom
o You can uncheck show games from the start of the year to now, to show all game reports
o You can put a check in include future games to show any future games you have on your schedule.
o You can search by the league, by team or by scout
You can search for all games, pro games, amateur
games, my games or games not read
· Games listed in green indicates that a report has not been started.
· Games listed in yellow indicates that the report has been started but not completed.
· Games listed in orange indicates that the report has not been read by you.
· In the middle of the screen you have:
o Game information
o General game notes
o Create report, delete the report, save, cancel and close buttons
o If a report is complete you will have players show on the right that have reports done on them.
1. Click on the game you want to report on from the list on the left.
2. Click the Create report button.
3. You can enter the teams score for the game in the score box beside each team.
4. You can enter notes about the game in the general game notes box.
1. Click on one of the player's tab across the top
2. When you created the report, the system loads the team roster into the lineup box on the left-hand side of the screen.
3. To enter a report on a player, they must be placed into a position.
4. You can create the lines that were used in the game or select players you would like to report on.
5. You can click on their name and drag the player into the position box or you can double click on the player.
a. If you double-click on the player it will move him automatically to a position based on the player's position.
6. You can move players up and down by selecting the player, use the arrows to move him up or down in the position box.
7. If you click on the alphabetical button this will list the players in alphabetical order.
8. If you click on the numerical button t it will load the players by jersey number
1. Click the add button
2. This screen will load a list of players that belong to club affiliates
a. The search button allows you to do a search by last name
b. The show all pro players button will load all players marked as pro
c. The show all amateur players button will load all the players marked as amateur
d. The players from current league button will load all players from the league the team is in
e. The show all players button will show all players.
3. Once you find the player click on his name
4. Click on the add this player to lineup button
5. Once you are done adding players click the done button
1. Click on the Jersey #’s button
2. Click on player
3. Enter a new jersey number
4. Select one of the options
a. If you click the Change for this game only it will only change his jersey for this game
b. If you click the Change permanently, the next time you do a report on the player his jersey should be the same as you just entered
5. When you are done click the close button
1. Click on a player and drag him down from the line up box to the scratches box.
2. Scratch for this game only and select a reason for scratch
a. Healthy Scratch
b. Injured
c. Suspended
d. Backup Goalie
e. Other
3. The player is no longer on this team (indicate current team below)
4. The player is retired/out of hockey
5. Trade player to the following team
a. Use if the player was traded.
b. Include the team the player was traded to
1. Make sure you have a player placed on a line
2. Click the Game Report Details button
3. Enter your ratings for the player by clicking on the drop-down box.
4. Enter in comments for the player
5. Click on the Save button to save your report
1. Click on the report you want to delete from the list on the left.
2. Click on the delete report button
· This button will only appear on reports that have been started.
· A scout can only delete their own reports.
1. On the General tab
2. Select the game you want to complete
3. Put a checkmark in the game report completed
4. Click the save button
NOTE: Once you mark a report as complete you can no longer make changes to it.
· This screen allows you to enter a report on multiple players for different teams participating at the same tournament.
1. Open the scouting program
2. From the menu on the left click on Game Reports
3. Click on the Edit Tournament Reports
· When you first enter the screen, you will have a list of tournament reports from this year.
· If you uncheck Show Just Tournament Reports from this year, you will see all tournament reports you have entered.
1. Click on the create new tournament report button
2. From the drop-down type in the tournament name
3. Select the tournament
4. Click the save button
· Games marked off as attending will show on your schedule
1. Click on the designate the games attended button
2. Put a checkmark beside the games you went to
3. Click on select the games you watched at the tournament and check here.
1. Make sure you have the tournament selected in the list of tournaments.
2. Under team A select a team you want to report on
3. Under Team B select a different team you want to report on
4. Put a checkmark beside players you want to report on
1. Click the add button
2. This screen will load a list of players that belong to club affiliates
a. The search button allows you to do a search by last name
b. The show all pro players button will load all players marked as a pro
c. The show all amateur players button will load all the players marked as amateur
d. The players from the current league button will load all players from the league the team is in
e. The show all players button will show all players.
3. Once you find the player click on his name
4. Click on the add this player to lineup button
5. Once you are done adding players click the done button
1. Click on the Jersey #’s button
2. Click on player
3. Enter a new jersey number
4. Select one of the options
a. If you click the Change for this game only it will only change his jersey for this game
b. If you click the Change permanently, the next time you do a report on the player his jersey should be the same as you just entered
5. When you are done click the close button
1. Make sure that you have a team selected in Team A and/or Team B
2. If you click on the player report details button under team A or team B only players from that team will show.
3. If you click on the player report details (Two teams) button, you can report on players from team A and team B from one screen
4. Click on a player
5. Enter in your ratings and comments
6. Click the save button to save your report
1. Make sure you have the tournament selected in the list of tournaments.
2. Click the delete report button
3. Click yes to the message box
1. Make sure you have the tournament selected in the list of tournaments
2. Put a checkmark in Tournament Report is complete
3. Click yes to the message box
4. Enter how many games you saw at the tournament
· This screen allows the user to see all reports done for a tournament in one location.
1. Open the scouting program
2. From the menu on the left click on Game Reports
3. Click on the Read Tournament Reports option
· When you first enter the screen, you will see the most current tournament.
· Down the left, you have a list of teams that are participating in the tournament
· A list of players on that team that have reports done on them
· A list of scouts that have done a report
· A list of reports for the player will be listed in the middle of the screen
1. Click in the tournament dropdown
2. Select a tournament you wish to view
· Under participating teams click on a team
· Click on a player to see their reports
1. Put a check in the scout you wish to view. This will on show their reports for the player you have select3ed
· This screen is designed to allow the entering of player reports without associating them to a specific game.
· We try to encourage our clients to use the game reports screen and not this screen.
1. Open the scouting program
2. From the menu on the left click on Game Reports
3. Click on Enter Misc. Reports (there is also a button on the player information screen)
· You have a dropdown with existing reports on file
· You have a player search section.
· You have a section for who you will be doing reports on
· You can search for players in two ways
o You can click the player search button to search by last name
o You can click the setup player filter button to setup a filter
1. Click on the create new Report button
2. Change the date of the report (if applicable)
1. Search for the player that you want to do a report on
2. Click on the player
3. Move the player to the players to do reports on by
a. Double-clicking on the player or
b. Use the arrow to move him to the right
1. Make sure that you have moved the player(s) you want to report on
2. Click the enter report details button
3. Enter in your ratings and comments for the player
4. Click the save button
1. Find the report you want to delete using the Existing reports on file dropdown
2. Remove the player from the report by clicking him in the players to do reports on section
3. Use the arrow in the middle of the screen to move him to the left
4. Click yes to the message box
5. Click the Delete report button
6. Click yes to the message box
1. Find the report you want to complete using the existing reports on file dropdown
2. Put a checkmark in report is complete