Todays computers/ laptops are coming out with Windows 11. Home or Pro is the best option. If you have a “Windows Surface” laptop it must be the “PRO
Version” because it is a more complete version of Windows, that allows full
program installs such as RinkNet. The Windows RC Operating System will not work. Make sure that ALL available Windows patches
have been applied. Also note, Microsoft Surface Pro’s may have less memory and hard drive space and still function well but if you want to do more with it then you should consider the higher-level Surface Pro.
It is recommended to install virus protection. Microsoft
now has Virus and Threat Protection built in and there are also other virus protection software applications you can install. Some are even free. The more sophisticated the Security program is, means that you may have to exclude the program directory from real time scans or "allow" the program to connect to the internet to be able to synchronize the program. There will be some configuration needed.
If the computer/ laptop is part of a Active Directory Domain, you need to make sure the user has the proper rights to even be able to run the program properly. Be somewhat careful that the user isn't locked down to much and can still use the program without issue.
Notes about 2021 Mac Computers
Macintosh Operating systems will NOT run the scouting program but Parallels Desktop installed with a Macintosh Operating System and "Intel chip" inside will run the program.
Recently we have been made aware that new Mac computers and laptops that have newer "M1 Chips" are not compatible to install a Windows guest OS, unless you have Parallels Desktop Version 17 for Mac where the M1 Chip is compatible. You also need to have an ARM Windows Preview Version of Windows 11 in order to do this and an installer key to activate Windows. You will need to activate windows in order to get updates for Windows. There is a time limit of one year to activate.
Here is the path and some explanation of how to install Windows 11 on a Mac computer with an M1 chip.
Please Note that when going through the setup I used manual settings to install. I made sure I also did Windows updates after installation and was able to use a purchased Windows 11 key.
Other Things to Consider
Much will depend on your price point but going cheap and older isn't the answer to help figure out what to buy.
RinkNet Scouting can take up to 3-4 Gig of space on the hard drive and
will grow as you use the program.
Depending on what else you will use the computer for such as social
media, storing documents, videos, pictures from a camera, burning CDs, etc., you may
want to purchase a computer with more RAM and a larger hard drive.
8 gigs is a minimum of RAM but 16 gig is very much recommended.
Hard drive size can be 250 gig minimum but 500 gig to 1 TB is more
recommended. Todays computers now have SSD drives installed. Newer laptops have moved to use M.2 series SSD's. We recommend a higher performance SSD with a larger series number.
We recommend I5 or I7 Intel processors over AMD.
Just remember that with a higher series numbered SSD, more memory and processor speed
everything will run a bit more faster and as you install programs there is
still resources to run everything and not “slow” you down. If you use other peripherals you should look
for a computer with enough USB Ports.
All Windows computers needs some TLC. We recommend periodic maintenance, such as virus scans, clearing internet cache etc and even disk cleanup. You should make sure Windows Updates are kept up to help with bug fixes in Windows and any security issues in Windows. Shutting down and or rebooting periodically is recommended to help keep the computer refreshed and responsive. Over time there can be performance issues.